Other Files By Author :Pamplona (pamplon.wad), Vista (vista.wad)
Misc. Author Info : I really should be studying instead of playing Doom.
Description : Four levels beginning in the early dawn in an Arabian/Greco- Roman style.
Additional Credits to : Robert Berkowitz for Enter Night (EntrNite.WAD) for the arch concept and general mood inspiration, and Derrick McKay for the transparent doors in One to Die For (12die4.wad).
Authors are encouraged to use this level as a base to build additional
You may do whatever you want with this file.
I hope I've made it obvious that some of the bars are doors- but there's always a few people who won't try to open them 'cause it's almost impossible to make doors you can see through.
I think you'll like these levels... Let me know if you think they're too hard or too easy or if you have any suggestions for better play.